This mod is self-explanatory, it aims to remove the yellow filter the game sometimes has, giving it a clear tone that it needs. 977660DiRT Rally 2.0 - Porsche 911 RGT Rally Spec 988660DiRT Rally 2.0 - Starter Upgrade Pack 988661DiRT Rally 2.0 - Early 5 Cars Gift Pack 988662DiRT Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack 988670DiRT Rally 2.0 - Opel Kadett C GT/E 988671DiRT Rally 2.0 - Season 1 988680DiRT Rally 2. The possibilities are endless! Add advanced depth-edge-detection-driven SMAA antialiasing, screen-space ambient occlusion, depth of field effects, chromatic aberration, dynamic film grain, automatic saturation and color correction, cross processing, multi-pass blurring. ReShade exposes an automated and generic way to access both frame color and depth information (latter is automatically disabled during multiplayer to prevent exploitation) and all the tools to make it happen. Imagine your favorite game with ambient occlusion, real depth of field effects, color correction, and more. "ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. If you want to know more, here's the description from their website. shot shows Mabel speaking to the openair rally from an elevated platform, where she is dwarfed by the New York City skyline visible in the background. Reshade is a post-processing injector that can make games look amazing.

Visuals make a game look good, and with mods, you could make it look even better.