If you do have a backup, just restore it, overwriting the current version. Time Machine may be of assistance, or BackBlaze/Mozy/Arq, etc.
Nvalt github update#
More instructions on that as soon as I get the interim update out. When the final 1.0.8 comes out, it should be able to use the original database, which Simplenote and/or Dropbox will have kept up-to-date. You will, however, lose your local tags (Simplenote tags will be fine). If you import from Dropbox, you can store both preference files in the Dropbox folder, and your notes will show back up from there. If you sync with Simplenote and don’t run both versions at the same time, your notes will stay the same.

In the meantime, I will soon be posting an interim version which switches the database it uses, creating a new one with a different name. I’m working on the next version of nvALT, but incorporating the changes is proving tedious and it’s going to be a little while (a week or two, I think). The database changes, and even though it offers to run anyway, either button quits the app. If you’ve run the newest version of Notational Velocity, you may have noticed that you can no longer run nvALT ( as mentioned here). Unimportant update: its an update, not an udpate. Tweet Quick tip: running nvALT after a Notational Velocity update */Īrticle, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, dialog ) \s * $ /, '$1 $2' ) ) Much content and inspiration was taken from the normalize.css project: and Main stylesheet: contains CSS normalization, base styles, typography with a vertical rhythm and some mobile-first media queries Gridless CSS, borrowed from the Gridless framework

Please leave this notice in place, along with any additional credits below. This document has been created with Marked.app, Copyright 2011 Brett Terpstra Centering h1.title, h3.author, h4.date (pandoc's title/author/date block). Styling of definition lists ala LaTeX description lists.Ĥ. ~~No scrollbars~~ (I now prefer the Lion default behavior)ģ. This is my hacked up copy of Marked.app/Contents/Resources/gridless.cssĢ.